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Mary Nwosuocha, MD

Reproductive Psychiatry Fellow

Dr. Nwosuocha is a board-certified Psychiatrist training in perinatal mental health. She attended undergraduate at Northwestern University where she majored in Comparative Literary Studies with a focus on Gender Studies and pursued a career in fashion. Later, she attended Columbia University’s Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program after she decided to change careers and pursue medicine. Dr. Nwosuocha attended medical school at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai where she was inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society. She also completed her residency at Mount Sinai, where she was awarded the Frieda S. Plotkin Prize for her work in psychotherapy. Dr. Nwosuocha has a passion for women’s mental health as well as working with gender, sexual, and romantic minority (GSRM) communities.

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